Where to buy our bread...
STROUD 'Kiosk' - 9 Union Street Stroud. 01453 840218
Open: Wednesday to Friday, 9:00 - 1pm
...& Saturday - 'Stroud Farmers Market', 9:00 - 2pm
Peter Holtmeyer-Cole is heading up sales
STROUD & SURROUNDING AREA - please see our White Van Sales
contact: Steve Wilson-Fforde: vanevents@saltbakehouse.co.uk
Coming soon SALT merchandise

Generations Of Family Bakers

It started with our sandwich shop “The Sandwich Box Cheltenham”, too small to make the minimum delivery of a local baker, to the quest to produce high quality locally sourced ingredients for our own artisan bread.
Having honed skills in the labyrinth of the Georgian terrace, with the challenges that brings, we managed to produced bread that has taken awards at the Tiptree World Bread awards and many other awards using the bread for sandwiches. More recently Baker of the Year 2016 at the BIA Industry awards.
Our Bread
Just Flour Water Salt and Yeast