Our Range
We are all about the flavour the colour the texture & the smell... oh & the feel. Not to forget the ingredients!
Here are some of our staple sours salt water flour & sourdough
Stroud Francisco white
2 star great taste award 2015
Stroud Wild (Imperial) spelt rye white & wholemeal
winner BIA 2014
Khorasan ancient grain, seeded
Seeded Malt white & wholemeal, seeds
Jalapeño & cheddar white, jalapeños cheddar
Seasonal & foraging availability dependant
Bigcat white walnuts dates dark ale
Speciality winner BIA 2014
Nettle & onion white nettles & red onion
Bronze winner BIA 2014
Roast potato & rosemary white rosemary & roast potatoes
Wild garlic
...& there's more salt flour water & yeast
Focaccia white, rosemary & red onion oil
White tin white made with a pre-ferment
Brown tin white & wholemeal made with a pre-ferment
Stroud stick white
Ciabatta white
...& there's even more sugar flour water & butter
Pain au chocolate
Pain au raisin
Danish pastries